Ambassador for
 a fairer society.

Juste is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing
 comprehensive legal services to persons, referred to us by our partners, who would not otherwise have access to a lawyer.

Building a fairer society, in which everyone has access to comprehensive legal services

We work in collaboration with strategic partners to build promising projects in the field of access to justice.

Why Juste ?

Because it’s unjust not to have access to justice. Everyone should be able to obtain legal support adapted to their needs. We are determined to make the legal system more accessible and understandable, for a fairer society.

Tailored and comprehensive legal services

Our services are provided through collaborations and partnerships, for the benefit of target clients determined in conjunction with our partners. Juste relies on the support of Novalex law firm’s team of legal professionals to take on mandates.

Juste Nord

Pro bono legal services for Nunavik residents (in partnership with the Nunavik Community Justice Centre), including legal advice, consultation, drafting of documents (letters, forms, contracts), accompaniment and representation before tribunals, mediation, and negotiation, in matters of family law, successions, civil liability, indemnification of road accident and criminal offence victims.

Social enterprises

Pro bono legal services comprising legal advice, consultation, drafting of documents (letters, forms, contracts), accompaniment and representation before tribunals, mediation, and negotiation in matters of business law, commercial law, intellectual property, governance and structuring of business projects (in partnership with Esplanade Québec and La Piscine, services offered to organizations participating in their programs).


Pro bono legal services comprising legal advice, consultation, drafting of documents (letters, forms, contracts), accompaniment and representation before tribunals, mediation, and negotiation in legal matters relating to non-profit legal entities (in partnership with Éducaloi, services offered to organizations supported by the latter).

Other services

We are available to help you organize legal clinics, training courses on various legal topics, or to set up a structuring project in partnership with your organization. Contact us to propose a collaboration.


Please note that to benefit from Juste’s services, you must be referred to us by one of our partners within the framework of one of our current projects. For the time being, Juste does not take on mandates resulting from direct requests from individuals or organizations.

Building a fairer society, in which everyone has access to support from a lawyer.


files taken on since
September 2016


lawyers serving
the common good


hours of pro bono
legal services rendered
since September 2016


beneficiary files
in progress

Would you like to
find out more about
our mission or propose
a collaboration?

Would you like
to help make justice more accessible?

Juste depends on everyone’s contributions to carry out its mission. Your donations help us deploy our projects.

*We are unable to issue tax receipts at this time.